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X-36 Okhla Industrial Area Phase 1,
New Delhi 110020.
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Copyright 2022 Dr Puneet Chawla
X-36 Okhla Industrial Area Phase 1,
New Delhi 110020.
Copyright 2022 Dr Puneet Chawla
“Designing a home is like drawing a portrait
of your client”
A professional vaastu consultant should be an accomplished authority on architecture, Indian ancient science of Vaastu, Vedic scriptures like the Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, astrology and other related sciences. Dr. Puneet Chawla has a command over all these and is adept in providing vaastu recommendations to homes, commercial establishments and industries.
An expert Vaastu consultant:
A good vaastu consultant is one who studies the issues and problems of his clients thoroughly and delivers responsible suggestions, thus helping the clients live a happy and healthy life. Transparent and effective suggestions that are made without any demolitions or structural changes are a clever way of using Vaastu for modern or traditional structures. These effective recommendations are a result of extensive knowledge and experience. Dr. Puneet Chawla is a treasure trove of knowledge and can skilfully suggest changes that do not need major alterations at home or office. Without a hint of financial discrimination, he proficiently adapts the ancient vedic and vaastu principles to the modern dwellings.
Special Vaastu suggestions:
His specialty is the use of Color Therapy, Pyramidology, and use of crystals, metals and other natural energizing therapies to rectify and remedy the vaastu defects present in the interiors. These kinds of recommendations do not need any kind of demolitions to the existing structure.